
General Info
Annx 1 - Comp. of BOD
Annx 1 - Comp. of Committees
Annx 1 - Meeting of BOD
Annx 1 - Meeting of Committees
Annx 1 - RPT
Annx 1 - Affirmations
Annx II - Website
Annx II - Annual Affirmations
Annx II - Annual Aff. (contd)
Signatory Details

Sheet 1: Index

XBRL Excel Utility

1. Overview

2. Before you begin

3. Index

4. Steps for Filing - Corporate Governance Report

1. Overview
The excel utility can be used for creating the XBRL/XML file for efiling of Corporate Governance Report
XBRL filling consists of two processes. Firstly generation of XBRL/XML file and upload of generated XBRL/XML file to BSE Listing Center Website (www.listing.bseindia.com) .

2. Before you begin
1. The version of Microsoft Excel in your system should be Microsoft Office Excel 2007 and above.
2. The system should have a file compression software to unzip excel utility file.
3. Make sure that you have downloaded the latest Excel Utility from BSE Website to your local system.
4. Make sure that you have downloaded the Chrome Browser to view report generated from Excel utility
5. Please enable the Macros (if disabled) as per instructions given in manual, so that all the functionalities of Excel Utility works fine. Please first go through Enable Macro - Manual attached with zip file.

3. Index
1 Details of general information about company General Info
2 Composition of BOD Annexure I - Composition of BOD
3 Composition of Committee Annexure I - Composition of Committee
4 Meeting of BOD

Annexure I - Meeting of BOD
5 Meeting of Committees

Annexure I - Meeting of Committees
6 Related Party Transaction

Annexure I - Related Party Transaction
7 Affirmation

Annexure I - Affirmation
8 Website

Annexure II - Website
9 Annual Affirmation

Annexure II - Annual Affirmation
10 Annual Affirmation Continue

Annexure II -Annual Affirmation Continue
11 Annexure III

Annexure III
12 Signatory Details Signatory Details

4. Steps for Filing Corporate Governance Report
I. Fill up the data: Navigate to each field of every section in the sheet to provide applicable data in correct format. (Formats will get reflected while filling data.)
- Use paste special command to paste data from other sheet.

II. Validating Sheets: Click on the ''Validate" button to ensure that the sheet has been properly filled and also data has been furnished in proper format. If there are some errors on the sheet, excel utility will prompt you about the same.
III. Validate All Sheets: Click on the ''Home" button. And then click on "Validate All Sheet" button to ensure that all sheets has been properly filled and validated successfully. If there are some errors on the sheet, excel utility will prompt you about the same and stop validation at the same time. After correction, once again follow the same procedure to validate all sheets.
Excel Utility will not allow you to generate XBRL/XML until you rectify all errors.
IV. Generate XML : Excel Utility will not allow you to generate XBRL/XML unless successful validation of all sheet is completed. Now click on 'Generate XML'' to generate XBRL/XML file.
- Save the XBRL/XML file in your desired folder in local system.

V. Generate Report : Excel Utility will allow you to generate Report. Now click on 'Generate Report'' to generate html report.
- Save the HTML Report file in your desired folder in local system.
- To view HTML Report open "Chrome Web Browser" .
- To print report in PDF Format, Click on print button and save as PDF.

VI. Upload XML file to BSE Listing Center: For uploading the XBRL/XML file generated through Utility, login to BSE Listing Center and upload generated xml file. On Upload screen provide the required information and browse to select XML file and submit the XML.

5. Fill up the data in excel utility
1. Cells with red fonts indicate mandatory fields.
2. If mandatory field is left empty, then Utility will not allow you to proceed further for generating XML.
3. You are not allowed to enter data in the Grey Cells.
4. If fields are not applicable to your company then leave it blank. Do not insert Zero unless it is a mandatory field.
5. Data provided must be in correct format, otherwise Utility will not allow you to proceed further for generating XML.
6. Select data from "Dropdown list" wherever applicable.
7. Adding Notes: Click on "Add Notes" button to add notes

Sheet 2: General Info

General information about company
Scrip code 530991
NSE Symbol

MSEI Symbol


Name of the entity Roopa Industries Limited
Date of start of financial year 01-04-2017
Date of end of financial year 31-03-2018
Reporting Quarter Yearly
Date of Report 31-03-2018 Enter the quarter ended date only
Risk management committee Not Applicable

Sheet 3: Annx 1 - Comp. of BOD

Annexure I
Annexure I to be submitted by listed entity on quarterly basis
I. Composition of Board of Directors
Disclosure of notes on composition of board of directors explanatory

Is there any change in information of board of directors compare to previous quarter Yes

Sr Title (Mr / Ms) Name of the Director PAN DIN Category 1 of directors Category 2 of directors Category 3 of directors Date of appointment in the current term Date of
Tenure of director (in months) No of Directorship in listed entities including this listed entity (Refer Regulation 25(1) of Listing Regulations) Number of memberships in Audit/ Stakeholder Committee(s) including this listed entity (Refer Regulation 26(1) of Listing Regulations) No of post of Chairperson in Audit/ Stakeholder Committee held in listed entities including this listed entity (Refer Regulation 26(1) of Listing Regulations) Notes for not providing PAN Notes for not providing DIN

1 Mr TG RAGHAVENDRA ABAPT1573A 00186546 Executive Director Chairperson CEO-MD 01-10-2015

1 2 0

2 Mr VJ SARMA ACTPV9916D 00165204 Executive Director Not Applicable

1 1 0

3 Mr O.MOHAN RAO AABPO6342C 07009749 Non-Executive - Independent Director Not Applicable
60 1 3 1

4 Mr A.SATYANARAYANA MURTHY ABQPA4845C 02229882 Non-Executive - Independent Director Not Applicable
60 1 2 0

5 Mrs KARUNASREE SAMUDRALA AKAPS0090G 06960974 Non-Executive - Independent Director Not Applicable
60 1 0 0

Sheet 4: Annx 1 - Comp. of Committees

Annexure 1

II. Composition of Committees

Disclosure of notes on composition of committees explanatory

Is there any change in information of committees compare to previous quarter Yes

Audit Committee Details

Sr DIN Number Name of Committee members Category 1 of directors Category 2 of directors Remarks
1 07009749 O.MOHAN RAO Non-Executive - Independent Director Chairperson

2 02229882 A.SATYANARAYANA MURTHY Non-Executive - Independent Director Member

3 00186546 TG RAGHAVENDRA Executive Director Member

4 06960974 KARUNASREE SAMUDRALA Non-Executive - Independent Director Member







Nomination and remuneration committee

Sr DIN Number Name of Committee members Category 1 of directors Category 2 of directors Remarks

1 02229882 A.SATYANARAYANA MURTHY Non-Executive - Independent Director Chairperson

2 07009749 O.MOHAN RAO Non-Executive - Independent Director Member

3 00186546 TG RAGHAVENDRA Executive Director Member








Stakeholders Relationship Committee

Sr DIN Number Name of Committee members Category 1 of directors Category 2 of directors Remarks

1 07009749 O.MOHAN RAO Non-Executive - Independent Director Chairperson

2 00165204 VJ SARMA Executive Director Member

3 00186546 TG RAGHAVENDRA Executive Director Member








Risk Management Committee

Sr DIN Number Name of Committee members Category 1 of directors Category 2 of directors Remarks











Corporate Social Responsibility Committee

Sr DIN Number Name of Committee members Category 1 of directors Category 2 of directors Remarks











Other Committee
Sr DIN Number Name of Committee members Name of other committee Category 1 of directors Category 2 of directors Remarks










Sheet 5: Annx 1 - Meeting of BOD

Annexure 1
III. Meeting of Board of Directors

Disclosure of notes on meeting of board of directors explanatory

Sr Date(s) of meeting (Enter dates of Previous quarter and Current quarter in chronological order) Maximum gap between any two consecutive (in number of days)

1 14-12-2017

2 14-02-2018 61

Sheet 6: Annx 1 - Meeting of Committees

Annexure 1
IV. Meeting of Committees
Disclosure of notes on meeting of committees explanatory

Sr Name of Committee Date(s) of meeting of the committee in the relevant quarter Whether requirement of Quorum met (Yes/No) Requirement of Quorum met Date(s) of meeting of the committee in the previous quarter Maximum gap between any two consecutive meetings (in number of days) Name of other committee

1 Audit Committee 14-02-2018 Yes
14-12-2017 61

Sheet 7: Annx 1 - RPT

Annexure 1
V. Related Party Transactions
Sr Subject Compliance status (Yes/No/NA) If status is “No” details of non-compliance may be given here.
1 Whether prior approval of audit committee obtained Yes

2 Whether shareholder approval obtained for material RPT NA

3 Whether details of RPT entered into pursuant to omnibus approval have been reviewed by Audit Committee Yes

Disclosure of notes on related party transactions

Disclosure of notes of material transaction with related party

Sheet 8: Annx 1 - Affirmations

Annexure 1

VI. Affirmations

Sr Subject Compliance status (Yes/No)

1 The composition of Board of Directors is in terms of SEBI (Listing obligations and disclosure requirements) Regulations, 2015 Yes

2 The composition of the following committees is in terms of SEBI(Listing obligations and disclosure requirements) Regulations, 2015
a. Audit Committee

3 The composition of the following committees is in terms of SEBI(Listing obligations and disclosure requirements) Regulations, 2015. b. Nomination & remuneration committee Yes

4 The composition of the following committees is in terms of SEBI(Listing obligations and disclosure requirements) Regulations, 2015. c. Stakeholders relationship committee Yes

5 The composition of the following committees is in terms of SEBI(Listing obligations and disclosure requirements) Regulations, 2015. d. Risk management committee (applicable to the top 100 listed entities) NA

6 The committee members have been made aware of their powers, role and responsibilities as specified in SEBI (Listing obligations and disclosure requirements) Regulations, 2015. Yes

7 The meetings of the board of directors and the above committees have been conducted in the manner as specified in SEBI (Listing obligations and disclosure requirements) Regulations, 2015. Yes

8 This report and/or the report submitted in the previous quarter has been placed before Board of Directors. Yes

9 Any comments/observations/advice of Board of Directors may be mentioned here:

Annexure 1

Sr Subject Compliance status

1 Name of signatory HEMA T

2 Designation Company Secretary

Annexure II

Annexure II to be submitted by listed entity at the end of the financial year (for the whole of financial year)

I. Disclosure on website in terms of Listing Regulations

Sr Item Compliance status (Yes/No/NA) If status is “No” details of non-compliance may be given here. Web address

1 Details of business Yes

2 Terms and conditions of appointment of independent directors Yes

3 Composition of various committees of board of directors Yes

4 Code of conduct of board of directors and senior management personnel Yes

5 Details of establishment of vigil mechanism/ Whistle Blower policy Yes

6 Criteria of making payments to non-executive directors Yes

7 Policy on dealing with related party transactions Yes

8 Policy for determining ‘material’ subsidiaries NA

9 Details of familiarization programmes imparted to independent directors Yes

10 Contact information of the designated officials of the listed entity who are responsible for assisting and handling investor grievances Yes

11 email address for grievance redressal and other relevant details Yes

12 Financial results Yes

13 Shareholding pattern Yes

14 Details of agreements entered into with the media companies and/or their associates NA

15 New name and the old name of the listed entity NA

16 Disclosure of notes on website in terms of Listing Regulations explantory [Text Block]

Sheet 10: Annx II - Annual Affirmations

Annexure II
II. Annual Affirmations
Sr Particulars Regulation Number Compliance status (Yes/No/NA) If status is “No” details of non-compliance may be given here.
1 Independent director(s) have been appointed in terms of specified criteria of ‘independence’ and/or ‘eligibility’ 16(1)(b) & 25(6) Yes

2 Board composition 17(1) Yes

3 Meeting of Board of directors 17(2) Yes

4 Review of Compliance Reports 17(3) Yes

5 Plans for orderly succession for appointments 17(4) Yes

6 Code of Conduct 17(5) Yes

7 Fees/compensation 17(6) Yes

8 Minimum Information 17(7) Yes

9 Compliance Certificate 17(8) Yes

10 Risk Assessment & Management 17(9) NA

11 Performance Evaluation of Independent Directors 17(10) Yes

12 Composition of Audit Committee 18(1) Yes

13 Meeting of Audit Committee 18(2) Yes

14 Composition of nomination & remuneration committee 19(1) & (2) Yes

15 Composition of Stakeholder Relationship Committee 20(1) & (2) Yes

16 Composition and role of risk management committee 21(1),(2),(3),(4) NA

17 Vigil Mechanism 22 Yes

18 Policy for related party Transaction 23(1),(5),(6),(7) & (8) Yes

19 Prior or Omnibus approval of Audit Committee for all related party transactions 23(2), (3) Yes

20 Approval for material related party transactions 23(4) Yes

21 Composition of Board of Directors of unlisted material Subsidiary 24(1) NA

22 Other Corporate Governance requirements with respect to subsidiary of listed entity 24(2),(3),(4),(5) & (6) NA

23 Maximum Directorship & Tenure 25(1) & (2) Yes

24 Meeting of independent directors 25(3) & (4) Yes

25 Familiarization of independent directors 25(7) Yes

26 Memberships in Committees 26(1) Yes

27 Affirmation with compliance to code of conduct from members of Board of Directors and Senior management personnel 26(3) Yes

28 Disclosure of Shareholding by Non-Executive Directors 26(4) Yes

29 Policy with respect to Obligations of directors and senior management 26(2) & 26(5) Yes

Any other information to be provided

Annexure II
1 Name of signatory KJFNB KJND KJDKJD
2 Designation Company Secretary

Sheet 11: Annx II - Annual Aff. (contd)

Annexure II

III. Affirmations

Sr Particulars Compliance status (Yes/No/NA)

1 The Listed Entity has approved Material Subsidiary Policy and the Corporate Governance requirements with respect to subsidiary of Listed Entity have been complied NA

Any other information to be provided

Annexure II

1 Name of signatory HEMA T

2 Designation Company Secretary

Sheet 12: Signatory Details

Signatory Details
Name of signatory HEMA T
Designation of person Company Secretary
Place Hyderabad
Date 13-04-2018